PIECEs Research site visits round-up: Arts & Community Engagement week in India
After working for more than one and a half years virtually alongside our colleagues from India and Pakistan, it’s fair to say we were really looking forward to being together in person as soon as rule
News: PIECEs Research featured in India media outlets
PIECEs research and our main partners in India, Schizophrenia Research Foundation and Training sideways (arts partner) made the headlines with a serie of events marking the World Schizophrenia Awarene
SCARF celebrated Women’s Month with Theatre of the Oppressed games and workshop
International women’s day was celebrated at SCARF, where staff – both women and men – where invited to join a programme organised by the local PIECEs research team, presenting games and techniques use
PIECEs Newsletter 3 – Dec 2021/Jan 2022
Our end of the year newsletter is out! Make sure you read it here
Community Engagement – Theory of Change workshops in Pakistan
*Text by Hufsa Sarwar, PIECEs Research Coordinator When our team first started brainstorming ideas around engaging the wider community through the PIECEs project, we were very clear on one thing: it w
PIECEs: Arts workshops at the HINDU Times
Sanjoy Ganguly, pioneer of Theatre of the Oppressed in the country, was recently in Chennai for a workshop with SCARF India, as part of PIECEs research You can read the article here
PIECEs Newsletter Number 2: July/August 2021
Our newsletter number 2 is out! Click on the link to read it: PIECEs Newsletter_Final_JUL_AUG21_
Interview with facilitators: Arts Workshops as part of PIECEs Research in India
The PIECEs arts team in India successfully conducted a virtual workshop with 10 mental health professionals from SCARF India on 6th and 7th July 2021. Here is what the workshop leader Ms. Mrithula Che
First Impressions as an Observer: Arts Workshops as part of PIECEs Research
*written by Hufsa Sarwar – PIECEs Research Coordinator in Pakistan Pakistan has a rich history of arts and drama, however, even in 2021 theatre as an art form has not been able to integrate into the m
First Impressions: Using DIALOG+ in PIECEs pilot phase
*written by Dr. Padmavati Ramachandran, Co-Investigator on PIECEs and Director at Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) Psychosocial interventions, that impact recovery for persons with psychosis,